The recent trial has opened old wounds across our country about race, guns and civil rights at a level not seen in many years. It seems that each group uses the most current events to stridently argue their cause and somehow gain ground in the public forum. There are historic issues which are felt passionately on all side. I am reminded, however, of the lessons from the sixties to normalize race relationships and attain true equality.

No person of any race owes anything to another person for possible wrongdoing of unknown long deceased relatives. You approach each person as an equal and, in competition, all get a fair chance. Respect the inherent worth and value of every individual and seek out their good qualities. If you succeed, give back to those still struggling. All decision should be color blind and gender neutral. Shifting the playing field to favor one group due to past inequalities just creates new resentments. Equal opportunity is the key and the solution.

Deciding who owes who what due to historical injuries is a fools game. Look how well that is working in the Middle East! Fairness and equality means a level playing field. And now; not after each group feels they have satisfied their need for retribution. If not, the past will continue to repeat itself in an endless cycle of injury and reprisal. This starts with each of us and our individual attitudes!