We sold the family home this week where I grew up and my parents lived until they died two years ago. There was relief at the closing, as an older vacant house is a pain and the estate business not fully settled. But, with the finality of the deal I felt the old pulls. But...

A new, large scale British study investigated the effectiveness of 64 medications on 28 disorders. This included 16 psychiatric medications and 8 disorders. The researchers used an unbiased statistical analysis. The efficacy (effectiveness) of all medications were measured at exactly equal. Antidepressants work as well as antibiotics and antihypertensive medications to a blinded researcher. The...

A recent Time magazine cover features an older toddler nursing, reminding us all of our need to increase our public tolerance of this normal behavior. The issue, however, is the child’s age. When do you stop? A “new” movement pushes for extended nursing and a “family bed”, and states Dr. Spock was way to harsh...

Title IX just celebrated it’s 40th birthday and with it a quantum shift of women into high school athletics and college sports. A new study confirms that teenage girls who compete in sports competition are less likely to use drugs, more likely to finish school, and less likely to have out of wedlock pregnancies. In...

Many people find themselves in an abusive relationship as an adult. The basis of this can be purely psychological, but is often practical, and most commonly represents a compromise to protect innocent third parties, namely children. The first question the person always asks is, “How did this happen to me?” If you grew up with...

Bullying hits it’s peak in preadolescence when kids develope at different rates, hormones kick in and social skills and defences are not yet developed. The effects can be deep and lasting. So what residuals remain in adults? Children who are bullied often suffer self esteem damage and are likely to have trouble asserting themselves as...

We usually think of bullying as a face to face encounter with verbal intimidation or physical threats and, sometimes, actual violence. This is escalated socially when a group focuses on one person or subset of individuals. Shame, humiliation and a damaged sense of self are the result and can be long lasting. Schools and those...

The recent deaths of Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson are public, painful tragedies with many issues about the nature of addiction and the need for personal responsibility. It also brings up the role of the family in an obviously addicted and at risk individual. We are all individuals and free agents in life, but no...

My recent post about genetics included the statistical fact that the illness of alcoholism and chemical dependency is highly genetically linked. An identical twin separated from it’s sibling at birth who developed alcoholism has a 70% chance of developing the illness. How can this be, and just what is inherited? Five gene sites have been...